Image © 2001\r\n\r\nMassacre Records

Image © 2001
Massacre Records
More Edenbridge
Reviews and Interview
Sunrise In Eden
More Sabine Edelsbacher
Beto Vaszuez Infinity Feature
(10 April 2001) The debut album from Edenbridge is entitled Sunrisein Eden (Massacre Records (Germany) MAS CD0248, 2000). Categorised by the labelas 'angelic bombast metal,' the album features nine metal-edged progressive tracksfeaturing the stunning vocal work of Sabine Edelsbacher. The band were founded in1998 by guitarist and songwriter Lanvall in Linz, Austria. Kurt Bednarsky (bass)and Roland Navratil (drums) round out the lineup. Astrid Stockhammer provides additional backing vocals. Superbly produced in every respect, the album was recorded at Segull Music Studio in Austria by Gandalf; he also contributes sitar parts to the recording. While Lanvall also plays keyboards on the album, the band is actively searching for a full time keyboard player to support their forthcoming live performances. Sunrise in Eden has already captured significant criticalacclaim throughout the European rock press. Impressed by the band from thefirst listen of mp3s on their websitetheir album quickly became one of the year's favourites at Musical Discoveriesheadquarters. You'll find super-catchy hooklines, melodic and brilliant guitarsolos, fast double-bass smashers and emotional ballads. The album opens withthe "Cheyenne Spirit," a symphonic rocker that serves as a perfect introductionto the prowess of Edenbridge and the Sabine's crystalline vocal textures. Theepic title track "Sunrise In Eden" is a classic rock track that blends gentle and agressive guitar styles with Sabine's powerful lead vocal line. Afterseveral verses, the late arriving chorus--demonstrating the range and powerof the lead singer's voice--will hook the most critical listeners. "Forever Shine On" is the first of the album's ballads. Sabinesings gently over light keyboard and melodic guitar which builds as the trackdevelops. Her vocal part soars over the instrumentals in the chorus, delicately hitting the highest notes on the album illustrating her virtuousity.An upbeat rock track with rythmic variety and multiple tempo changes, "Holy Fire" blends metal-edged lead and bass guitars with orchestral keyboard arrangements, soaring vocal part and lovely choir-style backing vocals. Lanvall's guitar solos are tremendous. The first half of the album issummarised perfectly by the lead guitar in the highly varied textures ofthe Nightwish-style "Wings Of The Wind." In addition to the Sabine's tremendous lead vocal, the depth and quality of the backing vocal partsare as impressive as the dynamic guitar solos and symphonic keyboard textures. The album's remaining ballads, "In The Rain" and "Take MeBack," are lovely tributes to the lead singer's range, supported by symphonickeyboards, featuring melodic and dynamic lead electric or acoustic guitar solos respectively. "Midnight at Noon" is a fast-paced, heavily percussive, metal-edged rocker where Sabine's vocal energy once again delivers the goods.The album concludes with an epic length bombastic metal rocker entitled "My Last Step Beyond" that effectively summarises the content of the album thatprecedes it. Driving melodic guitars and symphonic keyboard textures providea foundation for the final stunning lead vocal part. Listen for Gandalf'sgentle sitar part during the dramatic instrumental bridge and Sabine'ssoaring lead and the backing vocal lines as the track concludes. With an extensive variety of musical textures and Sabine's stunning crystalline vocal work, the debut album from Edenbridge is certain to delight a wide range of female vocal enthusiasts. Listeners will immediately be drawn by rich sound and superb production quality, evidentin the depth of the instrumental arrangements as well as the clarity of the vocal mix. Read more about the band and listen to soundbites at their website. Now available from a variety of sources, Sunrise In Eden is worth a trans-Atlantic Journey and is by all means a must listen!