Jody QuineMusical Discoveries: So how did you get involved in the Balligomingo project? Jody Quine: I started singing about eight years ago at an open mic, and was immediately sucked into music--addicted--and when I finally got around to recording my full length CD, the studio I was working in had Balligomingo recording in the other room. Garrett heard my voice and offered me a chance to work with them right away. And what about your musical and vocal training? Growing up I had three piano teachers quit on me--well--two actually. At the age of six, I quit on the first one proclaiming he knew nothing. I think I may have been right. From there, I played the clarinet, the sax, the flute, some drums and a bit of trumpet throughout my school years, ironically ending up lip synching in choir. After high school, Iwas an improvising comedian and one of my fellow improvisors was a song writer. We started jamming and that's where I found it--or realized it--as it were. I was a musician. I picked up the guitar, learned how to play and started writing my own songs. I've paid attention over the years to info I hear about the voice, and I've picked up a few exercises along the way, but mostly I'm self taught. How would you characterise the songs that you have done on the Balligomingo album? I find them free flowing and open. The ideas behind the two I'm on is a spiritual journey. The first one ("Purify") is about growth, and the second one ("Privilege") touches on how going back is sometimes going forward. I also co wrote the hidden track "Being." For me it touches on the insanity of losing yourself to somebody.
Did you share any of the writing duties? "Purify" was co-written by me and Vic Levak. Garrett and I wrote "Privilege" and I wrote the verses for "Being." I wrote the melodies and lyrics. How would you compare this material to any that you have done on your own or with others? I seem to write folk and folk pop with a jazzy edge for myself, so this was different in the sense that it's all pretty ethereal and light--more of a world sound. It lacks a bit of edge for me.
And how was the project put together? Each song was different. I think the guys would come up with tracks and let different girls jam over them and from there they would decide who to work with on which songs and then take it to the next level. Some we did in the studio but for a couple of the tracks I worked with I had the pleasure of using a digital hand held portable studio with a built-in mic. The thing had two tracks for me to to record on, each one up to ten takes deep. Ahh, what a great little machine that was. So I could record a main and a harmony to get a sense of where it was going. What kind of music do you find yourself listening to all the time? I am so totally into the alt-country thing right now--Ryan adams, Shelby Lynn, Richard Ashcroft, David Gray--leaning into pop rock I guess too. My roomate is all about electronica so I have a huge blend of sounds coming my way these days.
What are your future plans as a soloist or with Balligomingo? I've been asked to look at some of the songs for the second album but that won't be for a couple of months or so. I'm living in New York now, gigging and writing my next solo album. I hope to be recording by mid-fall. With such early exposure of the promotional material, why would you say that it's taken so long for the album to be released? Sometimes these thing just take time. Getting a huge deal is a big deal and if it had gone any faster it may not have been as global. It's also important to release the right time of year as well. The remixes were also a part of the process, and that's a pretty big project.
And how has the label been to work with? I don't deal with the label much, but the few record people I've met and had the chance to hang with have all been pretty cool--good guys--and they do seem to believe in the project a lot. So that's a nice feeling to be a part of. Both Balligomingo and you have had a web presence for quite a while. Do you think the internet is doing a good job for you? I know that Balligomingo got a big push in the beginning from being net-able. I think it definately plays a huge hand in creating exposure and lots of new fans. I'm not sure how to fall into the right hands in such matters, but I think it is an incredible tool in getting things out there. And it does make me as an artist much more accessible to my fans, and I have appreciated hearing from them. Thanks for the interest and I look forward to the article. Jody Quine Interview,
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