click on image to visit Pomme BandCamp \r\nstream or buy the album there \r\nfront cover artwork: Matt Spire \r\nimage © Yael Akron 2012
.: more Yael Akron and Pomme :.
with Manga: Vacuum (2007)
with Align: Demo EP (2009)
and exclusive interview
with Pomme: Pomme EP (2011)

click on image for Pomme FaceBook
Pomme: Yael Akron (lead vocals)
previously with Manga and Align
image © Pomme 2012
(26 August 2012) In 2007 Musical Discoveries began a now long-standing relationship with Israeli singer-songwriter Yael Akron in 2007. One year ago wereviewed her Pomme EP, her first recorded output since relocating to Canada. Earlier with Manga, she completed the self-produced album Vacuum (review). In the run up to a venue change to the USA or Canada, her band's lineup changed. Align's Demo EP (review) was released before the Yael's move to North America. Yael and two band members of Align comfortably settled into the Vancouver music scene. One year on after some personal changes, Yael began working exclusively on developing her solo career. Says Yael, "Pomme is the fruit of passion, curiosity and exploration. Between Toronto, Vancouver and Tel Aviv, I worked with producer Shai C Sivan, and film composer Adrian Ellis to craft and release this self-titled EP." Her new recording Pomme LP 2012 builds on the EP with four additional tracks and work with additional artists. Pomme's melodic alternative ballads take an interesting twist, supported by Sivan's urban-cold, somewhat-industrial production. Yael writes the music and lyrics, plays guitar on one track, and provides all the vocal work. On the LP she is joined by an array of other musicians. From the liner notes, guitars are played by Ryan Drolet, Adrian Ellis and Mark Mor Sivan; bass is played by Adrian Ellis, Russ Mackenzie and Shai C. Sivan; drums are played by Dimi Karabov, Sharon Petrover and Shai C. Sivan; programming is by Yael, Adrian Ellis, Matt Girvan and Shai C Sivan. Several of the five gorgeous Pomme songs from the EP have been brought into the LP, apparently without change. See our review for details as we will focus on the new tracks here. Avid listeners will clearly hear the marked evolution of Yael's work from Manga to Align to Pomme. Arrangements are denser and feature more guitar work and a little harder sound. As with her last three releases, Yael has pressed a limited number of CDs. The nine-track, 31-minute long Pomme LP 2012 (Yael Akron (Canada) self-released, 2012) album includes stunning jewel box artwork and a gorgeously silkscreened CD; the artwork is by Matt Spire. The first difference from the EP is the new version of"Give You No Choice." Built on an earlier electronic version that appeared on the EP and is included as the LP's concluding track, the new Yael Akron arrangement produced by Alex (Condor) Aligizakis is denser with more guitar, bass and production than the earlier version. Yael's powerful vocal works well with the new sound. A light multitracked vocal harmony adds texture to the lead vocal in the more densely arranged passages. Yael actually arranged the new tracks for the LP and they were produced by Alex (Condor) Aligizakis. The upbeat rocker "Stay Alive" is clearly one of the LP's standout tracks. The rhythm section and lead guitar are balanced by keyboard programming producing a richness of sound that exceeds all of Yael Akron's previous work. Vocal harmonies and guitar work tightly together to createan overall texture approaching Lacuna Coil's. The rock ballad "Traces" is gentler but not without the rich instrumentation of Pomme's maturing sound in the chorus. Listen for Yael's heartfelt lyrical delivery in the standout "New Frontiers" performed atop light keyboard washes and piano in the track's opening. Enthusiasts will adore the build of keyboard, guitar, and percussion layers as this track develops into its full spendour. The mix in staduim rocker "Small Captives" is outstanding. While the powerful arrangements could outweigh many singers, Yael Akron has the power and clarity to soar well above crunching Pomme's electric guitars and powerful rhythm section. This track is certain to be a live audience favorite. Yael Akron's work with Pomme goes from strength to strength. She has a great live following in Vancouver and has found BandCamp to be a successful method to distribute her recordings. Click on the album cover to stream the album and purchase it for your own collection. A talented young woman who continues to evolve and build her sound, she certainly has a bright musical future. 