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Current concise reviews of the albums by adult alternative, contemporary, and crossover artists. Images of album artwork and links to both internet-based resources are always included. Click on the title to view the article.

Digest Index
Current Digest
Instrumental Digest
Adiemus - Adiemus Live
Adiemus - Colores
Adiemus - Vocalise - Review by Paul van Vliet
Adiemus - Vocalise - Review by Suvi Kaikkonen
Aeone - Love is the Healer
Agnès Milewski - Seven Demons
Alla Kadysh - Perichole's Sincerity Theory
Altan - Another Sky
Anna-Mari Kähärä - Anna-Mari Kähärä Orchestra
Annbjorg Lien - Baba Yaga
AO (featuring Miriam Stockley) - And Love Rages On
AO (featuring Miriam Stockley) - Asha
AO (featuring Miriam Stockley) - Hokulea
AO (featuring Miriam Stockley) - Twirl
Aoife - The Turning of the Tide
Azigza - Azigza
Badi Assad - Verde
Balligomingo - Balligomingo Promo
Balligomingo - Under An Endless Sky
Before Dark - Before Dark
Bet Williams - Epiphany Project
Big Sky - Big Sky Volume 1: The Source
Blue Stone - Messages
Blue Stone - Prophecy
Blue Stone - Worlds Apart
Bridin Brennan - Hang On
Brid Ni Mhaoileoin - Ar Mhuin Na Muice
Capercaillie - Choice Language
Capercaillie - Live In Concert
Cathy Vard - Follow Your Heart
Catrin Finch - Crossing The Stone
Cécile Corbel - Songbook Vol. 2
Cecilia - Inner Harmony
Cecilia - Let There Be Peace On Earth
Celtic Fire - Flames Of Eviction
Chiwoniso - Ancient Voices CD Cover
Clannad - A Magical Gathering The Clannad Anthology
Clannad - In A Lifetime - The Best Of Clannad
Clannad - Nádúr
Club For Five (Club 45) - Ensi-Ilta
Colette Baron-Reid - Magdalene's Garden
Conjure One - Conjure One
Conjure One - Extraordinary Ways
Connie Dover - The Border Of Heaven Celtic Music on the American Frontier
Cousteau's Dream - Cousteau's Dream
Crannog - Elegant Disguise
Cristina Branco - Sensus
Darby DeVon - Highlands
Dave Bainbridge & Sally Minnear - Live in the Studio DVD
Delerium - Chimera
Delerium - Karma
Delerium - Nuages Du Monde
Delerium - Odyssey
Delerium - Poem
Delerium - Semantic Spaces
Delerium - The Best Of Delerium
Eden's Bridge - Isle Of Tides
Elysia - Spirit Of The Sun
Enigma - Love Sensuality Devotion The Remix Collection
Enya - Amarantine
Enya - Dark Sky Island
Enya - Only Time The Collection
Enya / Howard Shaw - Lord Of The Rings OST
Eri Sugai - Kaori
Eri Sugai - Kokoro no Niwa
Eri Sugai - Mai
E. S. Posthumus - Cartographer
E. S. Posthumus - Unearthed
Fabio Armani - Terre Differenti
Faire Celts - Faire Celts
Fanni Völgyessy Szomor - Szerelem Eemléke
Fanni Völgyessy Szomor - Tündér Rózsa
Fauxliage - Fauxliage
Fran Lucci - Mandays
Freud - The Great Crossing
Freud - The Journey
Freud - Time Passengers
Gabrielle Angelique - Echo
Gåte - Jygri
Grace Griffith - Grace
Grace Griffith - Minstrel Song
Grace Griffith - Sands Of Time
Hayley Griffiths - Celtic Rose
Hayley Westenra - Celtic Treasure
Highlander - A Celtic Opera
Íse - Angel One
Jakki Jelene - Reflections
Jennifer Cutting - Ocean: Songs for the Night Sea Journey
Jenny Bruce - Jenny Bruce
Joanne Hogg - Looking Into The Light
Joanne Hogg - Uncountable Stars
Joselyn Wilkinson - ShapeShifting
Juliana - Woman Wisdom
Karen Matheson - Time To Fall
Karen Nunis Blackstone - Give Me Sanity
Karl Jenkins - Tlep
Kate Price - The Isle Of Dreaming
Kitka - Winter Songs
Laura Powers - Beyond The Pride
Llewellyn - Moonlore
Llewellyn - Sacred Circles
Loell Duinn - Retrospective 2003-2008
Loreena McKennitt - An Ancient Muse
Lorenza Ponce - Lorenza Ponce
Lunascape - Reminiscence
Lyn Leon - Glass Lounge
Marcomé - River of Souls
Margaret Becker, Maire Brennan, Joanne Hogg - New Irish Hymns
Mary Black - Looking Back
Méav - Méav
Méav - Silver Sea
Mediaeval Baebes - The Rose
Mercedes Sosa - Corazón Libre
Milton Pinto - Full Of Flowers
Miriam Stockley - Second Nature (Paul Van Vliet Review)
Miriam Stockley - Second Nature (Suvi Kaikkonen Review)
Moya Brennan - An Irish Christmas
Moya Brennan - Signature
Mythos - Mythos
Mythos - The Reality Of A Dreamer
Nadina - In The Now
Naked Feet - Fire
Nandara - Angels Weep
Orriel Smith - A Voice Forever In The Wind
Pamela Morgan - Collection
Paul Schwartz Project - Earthbound
Phosphenes - Find Us Where We're Hiding
Pia - Benediction Moon
Pia - Magical Eclipse
Rachel/Common Ground - A Blonde Moment
Rachel/Common Ground - Head 2 Head and Fabulous
Rajaton - Joulu
Rajaton - Kevät
Rajaton - Maa
Rajaton - Nova / Boundless
Rajaton - Rajaton Sings Abba With Lahti Symphony Orchestra
Rajaton - Sanat
Riikka Timonen - Käenkukuntayöt (Cuckoo Nights)
Roma Downey - Healing Angel
Ruth Dolores Weiss - Be'Ivrit
Sally Oldfield - Flaming Star
Seay - 1 Voice
Secret Garden - Dawn Of A New Century / A Night With Secret Garden
Secret Garden - Earthsongs / Dreamcatcher
Secret Garden - Once In A Red Moon
Serah - Late Harvest
Sharon Knight - Song Of The Sea
Sinéad O'Connor - Sean-Nós Nua
Siobhán Owen - Celestial Echoes
Sissel - Sissel / My Heart
Sleepthief - Mortal Longing
Sonicjoy - Urban Angel
Spirits of the World - Spirits of the World
Stella Mirus - Air
Taliesin Orchestra - Thread Of Time
Terra Del Sol - Selection One
Terry Oldfield - Across The Universe
The Corrs - Borrowed Heaven
The Corrs - Home
The Corrs - In Blue
The Corrs - Live In Dublin
The Vards - A Time Of Change
Various Artists - Ascension
Various Artists - A Woman's Voice
Various Artists - Celtic Mystique
Various Artists - Music For Contemporary Living #1
Various Artists - New Irish Hymns #2
Various Artists - The Future Sound Of Gaeldom
Vas - Stories Untold
VocaMe - Kassia
Wendy Stark - Child Of Transferrence
West of Eden - Rollercoaster
West Of Eden - West Of Eden
Yoko Ueno - Puzzle
Zera Vaughan - The New Seed
ZetaBoo - MediZine
ZetaBoo - OuterRail
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