(18 November 2000) The two latest EPs by Kristin Banks areentitled Gypsy Souls and Silent Prayer. Both are availablefrom mp3.com as Digital Audio Music CDs currently. Earlier this year theartist released a four track EP of live tracks entitled Live at mp3.com in the same format; based on the earnings statistics, thisrelease mechanism is working quite well for the attractive singer songwriter. Our review of Kristin's first albumHouse Of Echoes has drawn a lot of attention from MusicalDiscoveries' readers. One of the internet's most popular artists, Kristin is catching the attention of industry professionals while capturing the hearts of listeners around the world. Kristin has been featured numerous times on mp3.com, includin the "Artist Spotlight," "Song Of The Day," "Hot New MP3" and "Featured Love Song." The songs "City Of Angels," "These Dreams Of Mine" and "Jewel In Your Crown" have all reached the #1 spot in their genre charts, and "City Of Angels" was recently names Easy Listening Song of the Year (1999) by mp3.com. Silent Prayer is a five-track EP and as a DAMwill play in mp3 format on your computer and in full audio splendouron a standard CD player. The album opens with "How It All Came Down," a lovely vocal track with rocking instrumental arrangements. Theballad "Silent Prayer" illustrates the sensual side of Kristin'svocal talent as it is sung with tremendous emotion and only lightaccompaniment. While "Rock Me Baby" is a gently rocking ballad,Kristin's voice soars above the backing harmonies in the choruses. We thoroughly enjoyed the instrumental intensity and stunning production quality of the country-style rocking of "Only Love." The choruses are drenched with emotion as Kristin's lead vocal soars above the backing harmonies. Tremendous instrumentalarrangements support "One Small Candle" that closes the EP. This is a stunning lightly rocking track that perfectly illustrates Kristin's range, power and depth. Certain to appeal to a broadaudience range mixing a soaring lead with lovely backing harmonies,this track alone is worth the entire price of the EP. Gypsy Souls is comprised of five radio friendlyeasy listening tracks that rock with a country edge. "Gift Of Love"opens the EP. It's simple mix reveals the wonderful vocal talent ofthis emerging singer. The production quality is substantially improvedwith the dynamic instrumental arrangements of the title track that follow. A driving light rock song entitled "Your Angel" reveals thepower and range of the artist in her soaring vocal excursions. Weespecially enjoyed vocal harmonies as well as the the guitar- and keyboard-based arrangements. "Finding Myself" is a lovely and sensitively sung ballad with only light instrumentation supporting Kristin's mid-register lead vocal. The EP concludes with a light country-styleballad entitled "How Do I Deal." The lead vocal part is especiallyillustrative of the power, range and depth of the artist's talentand is performed in what we call a Star Search style. Itis a tremendous track, worth the price of the EP on its own. Clearly Kristin Banks is making excellent progress towardsa second commercial release. While we would have preferred all of thetracks to be included in one package with complete liner notes, theDAM format is an excellent way to be introduced to the artist's newmaterial. Both of the EPs are available from Kristin Banks' mp3.com website. Visit today and have a listen. With a new album certainto emerge soon, Kristin Banks' latest EPs are worth a journey—a very nice listen indeed!