Image © 1999 \r\nWeeping Buddha Music
(26 February 2000) The self-titled independently produced debut album by Jenna Music was released in late 1998. From their website, "Jenna Music is a rock and roll band. Based in Los Angeles, California, the idea for the band was conceived four years ago by Jenna [Lee], the band's leader, singer and songwriter. In late 1993, Jenna put a small band together to accompany her quickly growing repetoire of songs and began to perform at local coffee houses and acoustic clubs. Soon after in early 1995, the band evolved into an all-electric four-piece rock group and became Jenna & The Weeping Buddhas.Under this name, they quickly began to rise to the top of the local Los Angeles scene, performing regularly at The Viper Room and The House of Blues. "In 1998, after gaining local popularity, they changed their name to Jenna Music, released their first CD independently and began to perform in several regions outside of Los Angeles, including SanFrancisco, Dallas, Atlanta, San Luis Obispo and San Diego. Over the past two years, Jenna (lead vocals, guitar), James Patterson (bass), and Brett Garsed (lead guitar, vocals) have been playing heavily, and gaining recognition from such magazines as Musician and LA Weekly." They have also had threesongs from their album featured on hit television shows Dawson's Creek and Time of Your Life. A second album is in the works.There are several songs available for online listening at their mp3.com website. The album is comprised of nine average length tracks of varyingstyles centered around Jenna's lead vocals. Her emotional deliverylikely led to the music being selected for popular television seriessoundtracks. Highly accessible mid-tempo songs include the album's opener "If It's Love," "Reality Hurts" and "Hardest Thing." Theband's more agressive style is heard in "Little Bit Of My Love"with elements of jazz and blues they call 'groove-oriented rock.'A rich almost orchestral guitar style emerges in "All For You."Jenna's power and range are illustrated in the moving trackentitled "Wait For Me." Her backing vocal part is equally notable."Moving Like Water" is a slower track with a slight country edgeand Rikki Lee Jones-like vocals. An lovely ballad with sensitive vocals, "See Right Through You," is a certain favourite; it concludes the album. The artwork that accompanies the compact disc contains full lyrics, performing and recording credits and various photos of Jenna and her band. Further biographical information is available on the band's website. You can order Jenna Music's debut album at amazon.comhere. A lovely album with heartfelt rock songs with expressivefemale vocals, this debut is a nice listen!