Image © Sony Music Entertainment 2003
Photos Sheryl Nields
Image © Sony Music Entertainment 2003
(07 December 2003) Refreshing vocals and inspired lyrics of husband and wife team Micah and Lori Wilshire make this newcomers CD, New Universe a dynamic pop/rock album. Wilshire’s roots stem from Nashville, but they recently relocated to LA to develop their musical career. New Universe has diversity and tracks that stand out with appealing harmonies and melodies. The couple has a background in the religious pop genre, but this CD is all about love and romance. The first track, "Special," engages the listener with Lori's soaring vocals and acoustic guitar, supported by Micah's electric and bass and Dan O'Neill on the drums. The song is about the duo's life when they arrived in LA. "We'd be in traffic every morning on the 405 freeway going to these soundstages. After a while, it was the same old grind. The words 'looking for a hallelujah' in that song are about finding your purpose, finding freedom, and joy." Some influences for Wilshire come from their penchant for the Beatles, classic soul and Top 40's pop music, with the Beatles influence somewhat evident when listening to "I Know What You Did." There is variety and progression in their songs, with "Turn It Around" enjoying a more upbeattone, while "Nothing Left To Lose" serves to illustrate the singer's tremendous versatility and range. The songs on the album are all originals written by Lori and Micah with the exception of the standout track, "Tonight," where they collaborated with Dennis Matkosky. Wonderful string arrangements were added to this song, as well as the lovely duet "In Your Arms," highlighting the sensual qualities expressed in their music. Their strong songwriting ability is evident throughout, and complemented by Micah's vocals and guitar, this album is certainly melodic, upbeat and heartwarming.--Audrey Elliot Read further reviews listen to soundbites and order the album from amazon.comhere. We enjoyed the latest album from Wilshire and certainly think it should be explored further. 